DATE CHANGE- JUNE meeting 3rd Thursday of the Month-MEMBERSHIP MEETING- Come early to socialize, begins at 7:00 pm No shooting pre meeting or during meeting
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm June 20, 2024
Monthly Membership meeting, please come early to socialize. Meeting begins at 7 but if you have applications you need to come early to get it processed prior to the meeting.
If you are joining please bring your application and payment to the secretary so we may present your application to membership. If you have questions let us know.
Once Application is submitted you will be set up for a mandatory orientation and 2nd meeting date where your application is considered to be voted on.
Blackjack Shoot at 300 Yards- Sight In- 9 a.m. Begins at 10:00
8:00 am – 3:00 pm June 23, 2024
Blackjack Shoot at 300 Yards- Sight In- 9 a.m. Begins at 10:00
4th Sunday of the month May- August- - 6 steel targets- 6” to 1” based on a 21-point system- see club page for details/ rules. $25. Per shoot, awesome $$ prizes for 1st , 2nd, 3rd- Rifle Range Closed during shoot unless you are participating
You must be able to hit the 6 " target at 300 yards sight in shots to particpate.